While mental health month is still a few months away, it’s never too soon to start practicing a little bit of self-care. Without this critical component of life, people are prone to becoming overly stressed. This leads to everything from poor sleeping habits and irritability to depression and anxiety, all of which feed into the cycle of toxicity.

That’s why the team at I AM One Mind is bringing you some amazing self-care tips to try out in your daily life. Read on to find out how a bit of self-love can improve your mental health!

Get Your Beauty Rest

One of the most important things you can do when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed is sleep! It may sound counterintuitive, but sleeping is the body’s natural way of unwinding, healing, and relaxing. Even a short nap can do wonders for your mood.

However, the benefits of sleep don’t stop in your brain. A good night’s sleep helps your body heal and regenerate. By practicing and sticking to a regular sleep schedule, you allow your body to release any tensions and build up its immune system.

Get Active

As beneficial as sleep may be, life is all about balance. When you’re done snoozing, get up and move! Exercise allows the brain to release endorphins, which sharpen your focus and improve your mood. Regular fitness routines also promote overall wellness by combating the inevitable aging process.

At I AM, we’re all about staying fit and active. Our shirts, which are available in both men’s and women’s styles, are perfect for exercising. The flexible fabric gives you all the room you need to move without being overly stuffy.

Try Something New

Unsure of what to do when you’re exercising? In addition to working new muscles, a fresh workout can help you engage your brain in new and different ways. If you usually enjoy relaxing, low-impact activities like yoga, consider trying aerobics. If you enjoy running, consider a bit of dance.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the internet has been flooded with courses, tutorials, blogs, and much more content that can be done at home. Now is a good time to discover new things.

There are countless options at your fingertips. We are sure that you will find that yoga routine that you always wanted to try, but never had time to do or that meditation that you once saw but had no idea how to do it. Find a space in your home that gives you calm; transform it into a place where you can carry out your new activity in a judgment-free zone.

Go Outside

It may sound cliché, but a bit of nature is the perfect way to clear your mind. In fact, the Japanese language even has a word for this: shinrin-yoku, or forest bath. These outdoor excursions offer you a chance to move your body and engage your mind.

While it’s not entirely understood why we feel so relaxed in nature, there are a few clues available to us. Some of the chemicals released by trees are known to interact with our subconscious nervous system. These chemicals help soothe our nerves and refocus our minds.

Keep Your Hands Busy

If you’re feeling a bit stuck in your life or you need some variety, consider taking up or reinvesting in a hobby. Crafting is a particularly worthwhile activity, as the often repetitive motions are the perfect way to let our minds wander. Moreover, there are a wide variety of crafts available! If you’re on the handier side, you may enjoy creating things from scratch. Fans of puzzles, meanwhile, may prefer to engage in something like model making.

Best of all, when you’re finished with your craft, you have something new to display in your home or give to a friend!

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

When things get tough, many people have a tendency to try and ride it out alone. This isn’t the solution. Humans have evolved to be together, to enjoy the support of one another. If you’re struggling, reach out! Speak with loved ones, friends, or a licensed therapist.

Today, therapy is as widespread as it is accessible. You can visit a therapist in an office or over the phone, and nobody will judge you for it. Everyone needs a little help from time to time, it’s only human.

At I AM One Mind, we believe in the healing power of togetherness. The beauty of human relationships is what makes life worth living. Humans are meant to love and be loved, and that is our mission. We want everyone to know that they are cared for.

Your words and actions matter. The products available in the I AM One Mind store are hand-picked to reflect this mantra. When you purchase something from us, it’s more than a thing; it’s a lifestyle. You’re taking a step forward and acknowledging that you want to be part of the movement to make the world a kinder, gentler place.